Start selling now

Service for free to create online store in Telegram

Create a new sales channel via Telegram
with online payment and immediate delivery
in the messenger. Demo version

Anastasia Four Cheese Pizza, Super Set... + 1 700 ₽
Sergey Hamburger, wok carbonara... + 1 420 ₽
Elena Coke 2 liters, Unagi Maquis, Potato ... + 1 700 ₽
Sergey Hamburger, wok carbonara... + 1 420 ₽
Anastasia Four Cheese Pizza, Super Set... + 1 700 ₽
Alexei French fries, salad... + 460 ₽
Vitaly Borscht, bolognese, juice... + 520 ₽
Kseniya Lula kebab lamb, ov... + 610 ₽


14 days - free test period

290 ₽ / 30 days

Up to 21 products

Information about subscriptions

690 ₽ / 30 days

Up to 201 products

Information about subscriptions

3900 ₽ / 30 days


Information about subscriptions

Telegramius payment systems

We currently support payments from over 200 countries through the following payment systems:

How to deal with online checkout

Payment systems already have online checkouts, you can choose the service you need and work in accordance with Federal Law 55. Everything is legal and available.


How to pay and receive money:

The buyer places an order
Specifies bank card details in telegram
Makes payments in the messenger without leaving it
Money first goes to your personal account of the payment system
Then they are sent to your current account within the specified period of time. Usually within 24 hours

Newsletter in telegram

You will be able to send messages to your customers in telegrams by setting the time and frequency of sending in advance.


QR code for all occasions

After creating your online store, a QR code will be created for you, which you can place on all kinds of advertising in the Internet and printing. Your customers won't have to look for you among your competitors - they will get to your online store right away.

And you also get a direct link that you can pass on to your customers in social networks, messengers, or even on your website.

Your offline advertising can be more, just apply a qr code and the
customer won't get lost among your competitors.

Доставка Яндекс.Курьером
из вашего интернет-магазина

В telegramius вы можете настроить автоматический рассчет стоимости доставки заказа по тарифам Яндекс.Доставки. Рассчет ведется в режиме онлайн и автоматически попадает в ваш личный кабинет telegramius и Яндекс.Доставка в случае заказа. Вам останется только подтвердить вызов курьера к выбранному вами пункту выдачи и ваш клиент будет доволен!

Telegram - is one of the main sources of
news and customers

According to a June 2022 statement by Pavel Durov, the number of Telegram users exceeded 700 million people, and earlier, in April 2022, the service Statista recorded 500 million people - respectively, the growth of Telegram's audience was 40% in two months.

The Telegram app is in the top 5 most popular apps in the world in 2021, and according to research by Sensor Tower, the messenger was installed by more than 100 000 000 users in the first quarter of 2021.

1 000 000

users installed Telegram
for the first quarter of 2021


What does the service do

Quick creation of a
product showcase
Quick connection of online payment
and delivery
Your online store is ready to meet customers in 30 minutes
As a result, in half an hour you have a ready-made sales tool in the most popular Telegram messenger, where millions of users visit every day.

What are you saving on?

1. You don't need to order a website

~100 000 rubles

2. You don't need to order the design

~70 000 rubles

3. You do not need SEO optimization and struggle with competitors in search

~500 000 rubles

4. You don't have to wait one to twelve months to develop

Time is precious.

You save ~670 000 rubles

Try for free

What business can benefit from our service

sale and food delivery

Selling Clothing and Footwear

Services with a visit at home

Certificates and discount cards

Selling electronics, such as phones, watches, gadgets

Goods for home, garden

Any sales involving quick deals

Creating an online store in Telegram
independently and for free

You need to take three simple steps:


in our service

Connect your channel
to our service.
And if you don't have one,
you can create one for free, for a minute


Добавьте товары и подключите онлайн-оплату

All actions will take you no more than 30 minutes. If something does not work, write to us, we will help you for free.
